In a post-apocalyptic world, three young adventurers and somewhat crazy, find that the chickens they’ve been hunted as a food will be part of a dire threat that could destroy what it remains of humanity.
Age: 19 years old
The dull-witted of the team. The official driver of the Pirate, a sturdy and zippy mini copper. He takes suppositories believing they will teach him how to read.
Age: 9 years old
In addition to his ever-growing collection of helmets, Chapi possesses an incredibly vast array of knowledge; he's the prodigy boy. He also sees his imaginary ENEMY (a retired Santa Claus).
Age: 18 years old
She's the cunning and meanest girl on the Wasteland and knows "marital" arts (no martial arts). She trades suppositories for chickens with Splitter.